Hope Counseling Center

Counseling Classes Taught by Certified Counselors

Hope's Counseling Ministry is based on the Bible in both its format and moral-philosophical foundation. We have multiple counselors trained and certified by national organizations who are available to provide in-depth counseling for those in need. We offer family counseling, marriage counseling, individual counseling, and other issue-specific counseling.

Counseling standards of practice are necessary to safeguard against misguided and unbalanced practices which may mistakenly be labeled "Biblical.” Holding to standards of practice also serves to encourage excellence on the part of each counselor and allows referrals to be made with a measure of confidence in what kind of counsel will be received. True Biblical counseling is Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-empowered, loving yet practical application of Biblical truths with the goal of spiritual maturity and fruitfulness. Our counseling is based on the inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of the Word of God.

Hope Chapel’s counseling ministry is donation-based according to the individual's ability.

Dr. Will Lohnes – Head of Hope Counseling Center

Certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counseling and the International Association of Biblical Counseling

Please call our office for appointments: 864-794-9167

Registration for Hope in Counseling Class – Next Course: TBD
01 Schedule for Biblical Counseling Class - Students.doc – January 2023 Class
03/04 Hope Chapel Counseling Center Philosophy and Statement of Faith.doc