HCY (Hope Chapel Youth)

Follow our Instagram for updates and gathering dates - hope.chapel.youth

Sundays @ 5:00-7:00pm at Hope Chapel in Greer for teens in grades 6-12.

HCY is a place where you can find acceptance from new friends and purpose from an all-powerful God who loves you. We are all about the next generation, seeing you grow in your passion for Christ and His church and becoming influencers in your community.

Youth nights usually consist of something ridiculous or fun, creative, small groups to build community, and a lesson from God's Word in order to build teens into disciples for Christ. We are all about making new friends and bringing others in – so we’d love to have you.

One Thing
What is the One Thing that is most important to you?

Our focus has been on two passages that talk about what the one and needful thing is. 

Luke 10: 42 - but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.

Mark 10:21 - And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.

What needs to change in your heart, life, and priorities so that you desire the one thing that is most important?

Preparing the next generation.

Upcoming Events

Hope Chapel's youth group gives teenagers a chance to grow and develop relationships with others, but also with Jesus Christ. A typical youth group night consists of games in the gymnasium, food, worship, a biblical challenge, prayer, and time with small groups to fuel the fire that is in their soul.

Hope Chapel's Youth Group starts at 5:00pm and goes until 7:30pm and all those in grades 6-12 are more than welcome to come.

For more information, contact us.